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Be A Fighter For Your Dreams!

Hello guys, I hope you all are doing great in your life and working hard daily to achieve your dreams. In this article, we are going to focus on a topic that is very close to me, and that is "DREAM". We all plan somethings for our lives and want to achieve all that, it can be buying an expensive house or car, or maybe achieving our dream job, or maybe becoming the best version of ourselves. We all have some aims in our life, which we really want to achieve. In that journey, there are two constraints, let's discuss that:

The first constraint which affects our action to achieve the goal is time. Yes, you heard it right, I said 'TIME'. Every good thing takes time. We can say this: "TIME is a constraint while plotting the curve of life". Now we have realized that it's very obvious and the only thing that we can do is 'do our work with patience'.

I like to add a quotation of mine:
"ध्यान अगर काम पर होगा,
तो काम अच्छा ही होगा | 
पर ध्यान अगर अंजाम पर होगा,
तो काम ही क्या होगा | "

Now let's talk about another constraint, which is SOCIETY. Very few, I repeat very few people really support us in our journey. Others, just criticise our work. But we need to focus on our goal instead of focusing on this. Because become responsible for your actions and instead of blaming others, learn to fight for your rights.
Always remember this, which has been returned on this particular image.

Thanks a lot for giving your valuable time. Keep smiling, be healthy and always be grateful for whatever you have because most of the people are working hard day and night to live life like yours.

Must check my Youtube Channel  for some interesting and informative talk, just click on my name: Kratika Dixit

Will meet soon with some other interesting topic. Till then keep working hard for your dreams!!!


  1. If people are not laughing at your goal , Your goal are too small.

    (Criticism Is good, it's give strength to achieve goals...if you take it in positive way)


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