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Is it about skill or about mindset?

                       "MY LESSONS FROM THE BOOK 80% MINDSET 20% SKILLS"

This article is based on the book that I have read recently that is 80% mindset and 20% skills. So only book lovers are allowed to read, others can leave. I can not stop you because you will not understand the importance of the book. So bye!

Now, first of all, congratulations to all of you, because you are only those 1% of people who believe in books, who believe that books can literally help them in improving themselves. So let's start guys!!! What are we going to discuss here?  Am I going to tell you about the whole book? No, not at all. Here I am going to share my learning from this life-changing book. And it might be possible that when you will read you will get some other and more interesting lessons from this same book. So, let me start with my learnings, so basically, what I got to know from the book that this book is dependent upon three pillars and those are:

1) Realization

2)Transformation and,


So, first, let's understand what does the author mean by realization. Actually, he wants us to understand or to realize whether we are living with the middle-class mindset or with a rich mindset. According to him, a person with lots of money in his bank can have a middle-class mindset and a person with little money can have a rich mindset. So let's try to understand what is the difference between a middle-class mindset and the rich mindset. From here we are going to consider Joe as a person who has a middle-class mindset and Moe as a person having a rich mindset.

A) So according to Joe, reading books is waste of time, spending money on himself, like attending webinars or learning some new skill by giving money to mentors is wastage of money and he knows everything, he doesn't need to learn anything from anyone/anywhere, he is the one who is not a good listener because he doesn't need to learn anything. BUT according to Moe, reading books can bring a drastic change in his life, spending money on self-development is not waste for him while it's an investment or we can say the best investment for him and he wants to learn each day, each minute and every second and most important the passion of learning is his best skill.

B) The common line of Joe is "I can't afford it" instead for Moe it is "how can I afford it?'

C) Joe avoids taking risk while Moe takes a calculated risk

"So, this was the first step which is realization. Needs to understand that where we are standing right now".

Now after realization, you have crossed the one hurdle, because most of the people have never realized that they are wrong, so after this, the point of TRANSFORMATION comes. Work on yourself to transform yourself, attend webinars, work on your health, start doing exercise, start focusing on the solution instead of the problem, start reading, start meeting the people who force you to work harder, start working on "SAVERS"

Wait, wait but what is SAVERS, so here it is:

S- Silent

A- Affirmations

V- Visualization

E- Exercise

R- Read

S- Scribble

So we can say that this is a GURU MANTRA to make your morning or your day more productive and happy. I am working on all these things and I would love to request you all to please give it a try for at least 9 days, but if you skip it even for a day, you need to start it again and will need to count it as day 1 again. I think if giving try to something new will not give you something, then it will not harm you instead, isn't it? So just give it a try.

Now, now, now, the most important lesson from this book, that, we just don't need to focus on 2 steps, instead, we need to maintain these habits for a lifetime, means SUSTAINABILITY. We need to sustain these habits for a lifetime. The habit of learning, the habit of reading, the habit of adding values to others life. I have heard an amazing line that, "Earning lots of money is not a big deal but earning it till your lifetime, is what matters". So this is what we have here, we need to work on ourselves on daily basis, not just for few days or for few weeks or few months, instead, we need to work for a lifetime.

I am giving you a challenge, do it for 9 days and every day, you have to post a story on Instagram where you have to write" DAY-1/2/9 of SAVERS" and tag me there, and you have to do it till 9th day, don't forget to tag me, my instagram id is krati_writer. Let see who is Moe here and who is Joe here. The choice will be yours only. And if you want to know more detail about SAVERS, then either you can bu that book or you can DM me on Instagram.

At last, I want to say  "Become Moe not Joe".

And the most important talk, if you felt that this book can really help you, then I want to tell you one thing that reading this much article can never provide you with the actual taste/flavour of that book, if somewhere in your heart/mind you felt that, woowww, what a book, then I request you to just buy it, and try to gain all the values that this book can give you, and now if you are thinking that buying a book is wastage of money, then I can't help you, buddy, because you are Joe, and Joe knows everything, I am no one to suggest anything to Joe. But if you are Moe, then take a step, because Moe is a doer, not just a thinker. Please click on the name of the book, 80% Mindset 20% Skill by Dev Gadhvi

Thanks a lot for giving your valuable time. Keep Smiling, be healthy and always be grateful for whatever you have because most of the people are working hard day and night to live life like yours.

Must check my youtube channel, just click on my name: Kratika_Dixit   


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